In the intricate world of healthcare, where efficient workflows are paramount to saving lives, the Flow Innovation project emerged as a beacon of change. As the Lead Designer and Inventor, I collaborated with healthcare experts and professionals from around the globe to bridge the gap between complex patient information and hospital workflows. Through focus groups at international conferences and close partnerships with subject matter experts, we embarked on a mission to revolutionize patient care by simplifying workflows for improved infection control and responsiveness to critical issues such as Influenza, HAI's, and Sepsis.

Flow Innovation: Simplifying Healthcare Workflows for Improved Infection Control and Patient Care


UX Designer & Researcher

The Design Process

Problem Statement: Collaborate with healthcare experts to enable non-technical staff to navigate and create personalized automated workflows, improving infection control and patient care for complex issues such as Influenza, HAI's, and Sepsis.

Research: Partnered with a full-time Healthcare ER Nurse/Infection Control Practitioner and conducted focus groups at our own conferences and global healthcare conferences, such as HIMSS, gathering diverse healthcare professionals for research presentations and insights.

Analysis: Identified the need for an intuitive interface that bridges the gap between complex workflows and non-technical users.

Ideation: Discovered the power of iconography as a universal visual language to simplify workflows, enabling users to easily understand and engage with the process.

Prototyping and Testing: Developed and refined the iconography through rigorous testing and collaborative workshops with healthcare staff to ensure real-world applicability.

Implementation: Integrated the refined iconography into the interface, empowering healthcare staff to navigate, create, and adapt workflows with ease.

Results: The Flow Innovation project transformed a seemingly insurmountable challenge into a success story, improving patient care by enabling staff to manage workflows effectively.

Reflection: This project demonstrated my ability to lead global research efforts, collaborate with subject matter experts, and design an intuitive interface that simplifies complex healthcare workflows, ultimately empowering staff to improve infection control and patient care for critical issues like Influenza, HAI's, and Sepsis.